Wenxuan Zhou, Jason Croft, Bingzhe Lui, and Matthew Caesar. NEAt: Network Error Auto-Correct. In 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '18), Renton, Washington, USA, April 2018. [pdf]
Anduo Wang and Jason Croft. Automating SDN Composition: A Database Approach. In 2017 Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR '17), Poster Session, Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2017. [abstract][poster]
Anduo Wang, Jason Croft, and Eduard Dragut. Reflections on Data Integration for SDN. In 2017 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization (SDN-NFV Security '17), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, March 2017. (Invited paper) [pdf]
Jason Croft, Shambwaditya Saha, Anduo Wang, and Madhusudan Parthasarathy. NetSum: Mining Summaries of Network Configuration Changes. In 2016 Workshop on Science of Security through Software-Defined Networking (SoSSDN '16), Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 2016. [pdf]
Anduo Wang, Xueyuan Mei, Jason Croft, Matthew Caesar, and Brighten Godfrey. Ravel: A Database-Defined Network. In 2016 Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR '16), Santa Clara, California, USA, March 2016. [pdf] [ravel-net.org]
Jason Croft, Ratul Mahajan, Matthew Caesar, and Madan Musuvathi. Systematically Exploring the Behavior of Control Programs. In 2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC '15), Santa Clara, California, USA, July 2015. [pdf]
Wenxuan Zhou, Dong Jin, Jason Croft, Matthew Caesar, and P. Brighten Godfrey. Enforcing Customizable Consistency Properties in Software-Defined Networks. In 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '15), Oakland, California, USA, May, 2015. [pdf]
Jason Croft, Ratul Mahajan, Matthew Caesar, and Madan Musuvathi. Back to the Future: Forecasting Program Behavior in Automated Homes. MSR Technical Report, 2012. [pdf]
Jason Croft and Matthew Caesar. Towards Practical Avoidance of Information Leakage
in Enterprise Networks. In 6th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec '11),
San Francisco, California, USA, August 2011. [pdf]
Jason Croft and Robert Signorile. Secure Distribution of Confidential Information via Self-Destructing
Data. In 8th World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) International Conference on Data
Networks, Communication, Computers (DNCOCO '09), Baltimore, Maryland,
USA, November 2009. [pdf]
Jason Croft and Robert Signorile. A Self-Destructing File Distribution System with Feedback for
Peer-to-Peer Networks. In 9th World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS '09), Genova, Italy, October 2009.
Gang Tan and Jason Croft. An Empirical Security Study of the Native Code in the JDK. In 17th
USENIX Security Symposium 2008 (USENIX Security '08), San Jose, California, USA, July
2008. [pdf] [tech report]
Jason Croft and Gang Tan. Security Analysis of the Native Code in Suns JDK. In 23rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '07), Work-in-Progress session, Miami, Florida,
USA, December 2007. [pdf]